Cost of Living in the Middle East 2024


Middle East Cost of Living 2024
Dubai cost of living 2024
Abu Dhabi cost of living 2024
Qatar cost of living 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of global economics, the Middle East stands as a region where the cost of living takes center stage in the intricate interplay of economic factors, currency fluctuations, and local dynamics. The latest insights from the Worldwide Cost of Living survey conducted by Xpatulator in January 2024 unveil a nuanced picture, portraying a region experiencing a relatively moderate cost of living overall. However, beneath the surface, disparities emerge, with high inflation and a soaring cost of living in certain locales, while others grapple with low inflation and a more moderate expenditure profile.

Jerusalem, the ancient city steeped in history, retains its crown as the most expensive city for expatriates in the Middle East in 2024. With an overall Cost of Living Index (COLI) of 90.5 (New York = 100), it secures a position among the top 50 most expensive places globally. The driving forces behind Jerusalem's high expatriate living costs lie in the towering expenses associated with land and construction, leading to exorbitant rental costs. Furthermore, the Israeli economy's highly centralized nature, particularly in sectors such as energy, food, agriculture, government services, hotels, and restaurants, contributes to the city's lofty price tag.


Hot on the heels of Jerusalem are Abu Dhabi and Dubai, claiming the second and third spots with COLI's of 79.3 and 78.2, respectively. Although both cities have slipped in the global rankings, they remain among the costlier destinations for expatriates, ranking 125th and 139th worldwide. However, their costs still present a more palatable alternative, approximately 20% cheaper than the benchmark, New York City.

Zooming out to a broader perspective, Israel emerges as the most expensive country for expatriates in the region, boasting a COLI of 86.7. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) follows almost 12 points behind with a COLI of 75, while Qatar rounds out the top three with a COLI of 71. These rankings reflect the intricate dance of economic forces and local dynamics shaping the cost of living, underscoring the challenge for nations in the region as they seek to balance economic growth with the well-being of their residents.

However, at the opposite end of the spectrum, Syria emerges as the most affordable destination for expatriates, boasting a remarkably low COLI of 16. Iraq and Iran follow suit with COLI's of 36 and 39, respectively. While these countries present a cost-effective option for expatriates, the backdrop is colored by extremely weak currencies and high hardship weightings, highlighting the trade-offs involved in seeking affordability.

As we navigate the complex landscape of expatriate cost of living in the Middle East, the specter of regional economic and political factors looms large. Challenges persist, and inflation risks pose potential threats on the horizon. Striking a delicate balance between economic growth and the well-being of residents remains a formidable task for nations in the region, making the cost of living a critical metric in their ongoing journey toward sustainable development.