International Cost of Living Overview


Cost of Living
Cost of Living 2024
International Cost of Living 2024
Most Expensive City

The latest Worldwide Cost of Living survey conducted by Xpatulator in January 2024, covering 780 global locations, paints a picture of a global economy grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic as many locations continue to experience a relatively high cost of living at the close of 2023. Despite some relief from the peak of inflation, economists caution that challenges persist, and inflation risks loom large on the horizon.

Monaco, retains its status as the most expensive location for expatriates in 2024, followed by Hong Kong and Singapore.


Global Shifts in the Cost-of-Living Rankings: Panama City emerges as the biggest climber in the survey, catapulting 157 places to the 349th spot out of 780 locations globally. While this might suggest a concerning trend, it is essential to note that Panama's cost of living remains comparatively lower than many of its regional counterparts, especially when juxtaposed against economic powerhouses like the USA, Canada, and Western Europe. Monrovia in Liberia makes a noteworthy ascent, rising 155 places to become the 33rd most expensive location globally. This surge is primarily attributed to currency appreciation against the US Dollar, coupled with demand constraints. Liberia's import-reliant economy, where prices of almost all imported items are quoted in US dollars, exposing expatriates to the brunt of inflated costs. Bogota in Colombia follows suit, climbing 138 places to secure the 586th position worldwide. While Colombia maintains a lower cost of living compared to many nations, its reliance on imported goods, coupled with transportation costs and import tariffs, contributes to rising prices. The country's robust economic growth further fuels increased demand, resulting in an inflation rate exceeding 10%. Cities in Nigeria experience the steepest decline in global cost of living rankings for 2023. The volatility of the Nigerian naira, unleashed by the government's decision to ease currency controls in June, sends shockwaves through the economy. The foreign exchange reserves hit a six-year low by December, with the naira ranking as the third worst-performing global currency in 2023. A backlog of unsettled forwards, undelivered promises of dollar inflows, and a two-decade peak in inflation exacerbate the situation.

Monaco Reigns Supreme: Monaco, retaining its status as the most expensive location for expatriates in 2024, boasts an overall Cost of Living Index (COLI) of 137 (New York = 100). Housing costs, constituting approximately 30% of expatriates' overall living expenses, remain a significant contributor to Monaco's top position. Limited space, the presence of many high-net-worth individuals, economic security, a favorable tax system, and a luxurious lifestyle all converge to elevate property prices to unprecedented heights. Monaco's overall cost of living is a staggering 21 points higher than second-placed Hong Kong.

Hong Kong and Singapore Follow Suit: Hong Kong clinches the second spot with a COLI of 116, primarily driven by exorbitant housing costs due to limited space. Singapore secures the third position with a COLI of 113. The city-state's renowned education system, combined with high housing costs and an intricate Certificate of Entitlement system driving up car prices, places Singapore among the top contenders for the most expensive locations for expatriates.

European and Asia-Pacific Perspectives: In Europe, Zurich claims the second spot behind Monaco, propelled by the robust Swiss franc and institutionally high wages. High prices for food and leisure activities further contribute to Zurich's lofty cost of living.

Turning to Asia-Pacific: Ashgabat in Turkmenistan takes the third spot behind Hong Kong and Singapore. Economic challenges faced by the Turkmenistan government result in economic and currency issues, significantly impacting the cost of goods and services for expatriates in Ashgabat.

As we navigate the complex landscape of global living costs, these shifts underscore the intricate interplay of economic factors, currency fluctuations, and local dynamics shaping the international cost of living at the close of 2023. As the world looks toward 2024, the specter of persistent inflation looms large, presenting challenges for nations striving to strike a balance between economic growth and the well-being of their residents.